Friday, January 11, 2013

Keep Calm & Eat Yogurt (Greek that is)

Good Morning my sparklies!!! Ahh, morning. It's my favorite time of the day. Even though I love staying out late partying, (sometimes), theres nothing like the early morning.  To me, morning is when everything starts afresh. You have a new outlook on a new day. The world is quiet, and then it slowly awakens. ( I know, this is pretty deep)  *tee hee* Another reason why I love mornings, is because they contain my favorite meal of the day, Breakfast!!! Now I know people make a big deal over breakfast.  People say: "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day", "Eat breakfast to lose weight", "Kids that don't eat breakfast do poorly at school", it goes on, and on. But thats not why breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I love breakfast foods, and the freedom to eat whatever I choose. Oftentimes, your mother will make you dinner, or you will be out at a restaurant after work, and lunch was a granola bar you found in your purse, so sometimes you don't really get to pick out what exactly you are eating for those meals. But breakfast gives you the freedom to eat cereal, or leftover pizza, what freedom. :) My mantra for breakfast is:

Yes, yogurt, but more specifically, Greek yogurt. While yogurt itself has many benefits, its quick to eat, helps your digestive track, and is really all around healthy, Greek Yogurt is even better. Greek Yogurt has TONS of protein, so it can be your whole breakfast! I love Greek Yogurt because on rushed days, I can just grab one and it on my way to work, or on relaxed days I can dress it up with fresh berries, or anything else my heart desires. It is also fat free, low in calories, and many brands now have less sugar. Resolution #1 this year for me, was Be Healthier, and I can accomplish that by eating Greek Yogurt! Instead of a doughnut, (and I do like doughnuts) I have a wholesome meal, all in one little cup. I love to try all different brands and flavors of Greek Yogurt, so I am so excited for the releasing of these little fellows.

These Chobani bites will be hitting shelves soon! They are a new snack size of the Greek Yogurt you know and love, but these come in sophisticated flavors! The four new flavors are: Fig with Orange Zest, Caramel with Pineapple, Coffee with Dark Chocolate Drops, and last, but most certainly NOT least, Raspberry with Dark Chocolate Drops. Mmm! Just writing about them makes me hungry! Obviously, Chobani is out to prove that yogurt is no longer just a breakfast food. I can definitely see myself curling up on the couch at night eating on of these babies while watching The Devil Wears Prada (I just love Anne Hathaway!) Have you tried them yet? Let me know which new flavor is your favorite!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Years Resolutions!!!!!

Good Morning my Sparklies!! It's the start of a new year, and you know what that means, it's time once again to make new years resolutions! Now for some people resolutions are a love-hate sort of thing.  Resolutions have a bad rap because most of the time people make resolutions, and then never do anything about them, so they never get anything done. For some reason people think that if they resolve to lose 10lbs, they will be able to do so, without ever leaving the couch. But, when a new year rolls around and they discover that they have not lost weight, rather they have added a few pounds, they hate the resolutions that didn't come true.  People these days seem to view resolutions as a wish, you simply make the wish, and expect it to come true, without any actions to help towards this wish. I am here today to tell you the sad truth: there is not resolution-granting genie out there. Now that we got that out of the way, I'd like to share my resolutions with you, and my plan to accomplish them. Here are my 2013 Resolutions:
1. Be healthier
2. Complain less
3. To eat more organic foods
4. To add sparkle to every day
5. To be more organized

Now six resolutions may not seem like very many, but you have to keep in mind that this is not a wish list, it's more like a checklist. If you think of each resolution as a task you need to complete, you will (hopefully) set more attainable goals.
If you start reading through my resolutions list, you probably won't make it past #1 without questioning it. Most people would read "Be healthier" as "Lose weight", because "Lose weight" is the #1 resolution in America. But no, I am not disguising "Lose weight" with " Be healthier", when I say "Be healthier" it has nothing to do with weight.  In this coming year, I want to live healthier by eating better, sleeping more, getting enough excercise, and taking care of myself.  Now granted, when I do these things, I might lose a little weight, but thats not why I'm doing it, I'm doing it to Be healthier. Now #2 on my list is: Complain less. I have a confession, I complain...a lot. So, is year I am going to make a conscious effort to complain less. 
Okay, #3 Eat more organic foods. For years I viewed organic foods as bad quality produce, with a high price tag. But between tasting really fresh organic foods, researching the merits of organic foods, and learning about the dangers of GMOs, I am convinced that organic foods are way more healthy. (this kind of goes with my first resolution!) In the beginning, a lot of the organic food I ate was small, tasteless, and discolored, making me wish for the huge brightly colored fruit I was used to. But then I realized that what I was eating, was not a good reflection of all organic foods. The fruit that I dislike, was merely a bad apple in the bunch, and the store where I had purchased it, was not the best source for organic foods. After doing some research I found a local co-op that supplies people with fresh locally grown & produced organic foods. Since I have discovered it, I have had some of the best eggs, cheese, fruits, and meats that I have ever tasted, all of which, are organic. In addition, I also learned of a local farmers market that sells tons of organic produce during the spring and summer months.
#4 is: To add sparkle to everyday. Now please don't think that this is some cheesy air headed thing, I'm not talking about actually putting sparkle on everything (glittered refrigerators just don't work for me) when I use the word "sparkle" here, its more like, excitement, happiness,joy, ect. It means adding brightness to each day.
My last, and certainly not least resolution is: Be more organized. I consider myself a fairly organized person, but there are definitely things I need to work on when it comes to organization.
Now these are not my "wishes" for the year. They are goals that I aim to achieve, during the year I will post ideas and inspiration, on how to accomplish these things, along with updates on how I'm doing with them.
I'd love to hear what your resolutions are, leave me a comment and tell me!